Printable DVDs
There are quite a few options when it comes to efficiently labeling and categorizing DVDs, and that is why carries a wide array of printable DVDs and accessories for your personal or professional use. If you are ready to finally enjoy a number of great data storage products without the huge expenses of local retailers, take a look at all of the options for DVD R Media products right here at Americal.
There are two important decisions that must be made before purchasing any number of our printable DVD packages. The first is the type of data that will be stored as well as the overall amount of data that will be placed onto each DVD. For those that only require an hour or less of high definition video, our Mini DVD alternatives are often the best choice. Not only are these mini products affordable, they can be stored in a much smaller space and will hold nearly 55 minutes of continuous video.
Once the size and type of DVD is chosen, customers can begin thinking about the most efficient printable DVD format for their own unique needs. Often times, the most affordable option will be adhesive labels that can be printed and applied directly to the top of the discs. For this format, we offer all of the products that a customer will need including labels, cases, ink, software, and more.
Those that would like a more professional appearance for their printable DVDs as well as an affordable option for bulk duplication may benefit from the Lightscribe labeling system. These require special hardware within the PC or laptop themselves, but they can etch logos, designs, and words directly onto the disc itself in just moments. Once the disc has been etched and labeled, there will be no running of the ink or chance of the adhesive coming loose during use of the disc.
Our wide array of printable DVD accessories is now more affordable than ever and we are proud to offer all of our customers a robust 100 percent satisfaction guarantee so that they can make their next purchase with confidence.